
SIDREC provides an avenue for Alternative Dispute Resolution in Malaysia for Financial Disputes in the Malaysian Capital Market

The Edge in its Wealth section has posted an article related to the Consumer Credit Act (CCA) for the week of October 31 – November 6, 2022 entitled InTheKnow: What is the Consumer Credit Act?

As mentioned in the article “Capital market investors, such as stock investors, can refer to the Securities Industry Dispute Resolution Centre (SIDREC)” for redress in financial disputes for the capital market in Malaysia.

Alternative Dispute Resolution provides an avenue to seek financial settlement for capital market disputes in Malaysia without the need to go through the court process.  This service is provided at SIDREC free of charge to investors in Malaysia for claims up to RM250,000. 

Visit our website and find out more about Alternative Dispute Resolution in Malaysia at

Also, visit this link to learn more about the Consumer Credit Act at

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